Cloud Services

Cloud Applications

We have the virtual space to install and store all the information you need, and do it with maximum security.

We offer cloud applications so that students, researchers and teaching staff enjoy the maximum comfort for working, ensuring access to the software they need and ease of file storage.

Your applications at one click with UNIAPPS

It is the application and desktop virtualization service that allows you to develop an application market with a personalized cloud delivery model.

Thanks to UNIAPPS, students and teachers of the universities involved have access to all the software they need in their day to day from one familiar, customizable and similar platform to an app store.

Store and share with UNIDISC

It is the cloud storage service for the university and research community of Catalonia. It provides a simple, secure, and reliable way to store, synchronize, and share files.

Wherever you are, access your files from any device!

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Want to know more?



Gorka Roldan
Customers and Projects Unit

+34 93 567 9817

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