Joint Procurement

Audiovisual Equipment

Extensive catalog of projection equipment, monitors, screens, microphones, speakers, sound mixing tables, image recording and recording, lighting... and a long list of audiovisual equipment for teaching support, with fixed maximum prices and minimum discounts.

Who is this service for?

Consortium universities, research centers from the I-CERCA Institution of Research Centers of Catalonia, scientific parks, university centers of higher education of the Associació de Centres Adscrits a les Universitats Públiques (ACAUP), and centers dependent on the CSUC consortium members and the centers affiliated to the Anella Científica.


Purchase or renting: choose the model that suits best for your institution and enjoy exclusive benefits.



Both for the maximum prices set and for the minimum discounts on services.

Standardization and homogenization

Of the audiovisual equipment and the associated services of supply, installation, guarantee, maintenance, etc.

Stability and technological update

Of all the equipment during the validity of the contract.

Agility in the hiring process

Coordinated by CSUC.

Flexibility in products and services

The catalogs are dynamic and new equipment and services can be included during the agreement term.

Approved suppliers

Type of agreement

The acquisition of audiovisual equipment is done through a framework agreement between the participating entities and with the coordination of the CSUC.

Want to know more?


Get in touch!

Gorka Roldan
Clients and Projects Unit

+34 935 679 817

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