Anella Científica

Access to RedIRIS

From Catalonia to the world

The Anella Científica opens up to the world through RedIRIS. It does so via the optical and high-capacity network of RedIRIS that connects academic networks of all Spain, making tools available to the community to collaborate telematically in optimal conditions. In addition, the meshed structure of the national network optimizes load distribution and provides better redundancy. 

RedIRIS provides access to the Anella Científica to regional, state and international research networks worldwide through the pan-European Géant, the world's largest and most advanced academic and research network. 

In Catalonia we have two points of presence of RedIRIS: 

  • In Campus Nord. This point has several lambdas of different capacities, of 10 Gbps and 100 Gbps. Of these, one is for the Anella Científica regular traffic; two are for the interconnection between the two nodes; and the rest are intended for special projects (PIC, BSC, i2CAT...). 
  • In the second node. It connects with one lambda for regular traffic and two lambdas for the interconnection between the two nodes. 

In terms of external connectivity, RedIRIS is connected to the pan-European Géant research network and to different IXPs: CATNIX in Barcelona, Espanix in Madrid, and GIGAPIX in Lisboa. It also connects to the Portuguese research network FCCN, and has several international commercial lines. 

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